
My Principles

Principles are “rules” or guideposts we use daily to guide our actions and decision-making. Our principles are:

Learn and Teach Something Every Day.

The only way to grow is to learn. Have insatiable curiosity. Read. Listen. Ask questions. Share what you have learned. Celebrate ‘Ah-Ha!’ moments.

Success Isn’t Lonely.

Meet interesting people. Maintain relationships. Offer help. Ask for help. Say “Thank You.”

Be Like Mike.

Just Do It. Practice. Try. Experiment. Fail. Take Action.

Collaboration. Not Dictation.

No one person has all the answers. Seek other perspectives. Ask questions.

Principles Over Practice.

“Why”’ is more important than “How.” Learn the principles and then create the practice.

No Jerks Allowed.

Nobody wants to work with a Jerk. Don’t be a Jerk.

Everyone Is a Jerk Sometimes.

Everyone will act like a jerk sometimes. Forgive those who act like a jerk. If you act like a jerk, ask for forgiveness.