Want to Grow? Here Are the Two Numbers You Must Know.

Are you familiar with the two numbers that are key to sustainable growth? Let’s talk about the sustainable growth rate (SGR) and market growth rate (MGR) – two essential metrics every business leader should know.

The sustainable growth rate represents a company’s maximum growth rate without relying on external financing. It considers factors like profitability, retention of earnings, and asset utilization. By understanding your SGR, you can gauge your company’s ability to finance its own growth and avoid overreliance on debt or equity financing.

On the other hand, the market growth rate measures the growth potential of your industry or market segment. It reflects the rate at which the overall market expands, driven by factors like consumer demand, technological advancements, and economic conditions. Knowing your MGR allows you to align your growth strategies with the market’s potential and identify opportunities for expansion.

But here’s the catch: sustainable growth is not solely dependent on market growth. It’s about finding the right balance between internal capabilities and external opportunities. A slower market growth rate can sometimes be offset by operational improvements, innovative marketing strategies, or entering new markets.

It’s crucial to analyze both SGR and MGR in tandem to achieve sustainable growth. By monitoring these numbers, you can identify areas for improvement, optimize your resources, and make informed decisions for long-term success. So, take a deep dive into these two numbers, understand their implications, and unlock the potential for sustainable growth in your business.

Want to know your SGR and MGR? Schedule an Inside|Out SWOT today!