
Business Profit and Value Assessment

The Business Profit and Value Assessment will compare your business profit and valuation to companies of your size in your industry. It will give you answers to two questions:

Your Profit Gap: The Profit You’re Sacrificing by Not Operating at a Best-in-Class Level = Best-in-Class Profit at Your Level of Sales – Your Actual Profit

Your Value Gap: The Value You’re Sacrificing by Not Operating at a Best-in-Class Level = Best-in-Class Value at Your Level of Sales – Your Actual Value

You will need the following information to complete your Assessment:

  • Your NAICS Code
  • Number of Employees
  • Whether your company uses Cash Flow or Accrual accounting
  • Gross Revenue
  • Direct Materials
  • Direct Subcontractors
  • Operating Expenses
  • Owners’ Pay
  • Profit
  • Taxes

Why all this information? This report is customized for your company and compares your company to other companies of your size in your industry.

Your report will be emailed to you.

All your information will be kept confidential and not shared with anyone.