

Announcing Laser Results UNLIMITED Coaching!

If you’re looking to turn your business vision into predictable, scalable results, I’ve got a 3-step system that will get you there:

Step One: DEFINE the capabilities required so you can compete in your market and achieve the results you desire
Step Two: PLAN the actions you will take in order to turn that definition into reality
Step Three: EXECUTE that plan which allows you to get the results you want.

This system works really well, and if you’d like some help turning your business vision into predictable, scalable results, I’ve got great news!

Normally I charge $1,200 – $2,000 per month to coach clients to get these results. We typically meet for one to two hours per week which can take a lot of your time (and mine). And you know, those marathon coaching sessions take a lot out of me. So I’d like to try something new with you.

Announcing UNLIMITED Laser Results Business Coaching.

This is a new coaching model that is ideal for getting results with my 3-step system. For less than 84 bucks a month, you can get a full year of UNLIMITED 15-Minute Laser Coaching sessions with me. Read that last line again. You can have as many coaching sessions with me as you like for a full year for less than 84 bucks a month.

This offer is only good for the first 10 people who sign up.

Here’s how it works:
1. Click here to enroll in Laser Results Business Coaching
2. You’ll get an email from me with a link to my calendar so we can have our first coaching session.
3. Your first call is 30 minutes to make sure the coaching is perfect for you and come up with a custom plan to help you get the results you desire.
4. At the end of our call, and each call thereafter, we’ll agree on “homework” that will move you forward and keep you accountable.
5. After each call, I’ll send you a recording of the call, confirmation of your homework, and a link to schedule your next call.
6. Once your homework is complete, you can schedule your next 15-minute call.

For example, have your coaching session on a Wednesday, do your homework right after the call, and you can schedule your next call that very same day. Truly Unlimited Coaching!

And don’t worry, if you get stuck on the homework or need support between calls, I’m just an email away.

GUARANTEE: If during our first 30-minute call, either of us feels like this is not a perfect solution to help you get the results you want, I’ll refund your money immediately. No Risk!

Click here to enroll in Laser Results Business Coaching

If you don’t know me well yet, here is a testimonial from a client who has used my services:

“Craig Paxson is exactly what you are looking for in a business advisor and consultant. Having held the role of CEO, Craig’s experience and insight are unmatched. Mr. Paxson’s true passion for your success is evident with each conversation. Every time we get together, I walk away with a new sense of drive and zeal as an entrepreneur.” – Cody Robinson, President, HomeFit, Nashville TN

There’s no risk to get started. Just use the link in this post and have your first session with me to make sure this is perfect for you. If it’s not, I’ll promptly return your money. But, I know my model works.

Click here to enroll in Laser Results Business Coaching