
Separate Jobs or Separate Functions?

Does everyone in a business have a separate job, or does everyone have a separate function? Is there a difference? What would employees say if everyone was in a room together and the question was asked to each employee, “What is your job?”

The responses, of course, would vary. One employee might say, “I’m a help desk technician.” Another might say, “I’m an inventory control manager.” And, still another might say, “I’m the receptionist.” Are they all correct in their answers? Are they telling what their job is, or is their response describing their title and function?

Every Employee is in Sales

In every business, there are many titles and job functions, but there is one main job that everyone has…or should have…regardless of title. Every employee should fundamentally be a salesperson for the business. The philosophy must be instilled in all employees that regardless of position, everyone represents the company.

Fundamentally, every employee in a business is its sales force. Certainly, some individuals are the ones dealing directly with customers and closing deals or making actual sales, but all employees regardless of job function are part of the entire sales chain. No business can operate with only direct sales people and no other employees. There are many different types of support staff necessary to complete the circle of (1) supplier to customer, (2) back to supplier for re-orders, (3) and back to customers for additional sales. Within this circle, there might be production staff, warehouse clerks, office personnel, administrative assistants, etc. that are necessary for a business to operate.

So, when you start to think about what jobs there are in a business, you begin to realize that “sales” is everyone’s job. Every employee plays a vital role in performing his or her respective job function in the best possible way that will produce positive results for the company. As a business grows and prospers, employees reap rewards with job stability and increased compensation. 

On the other hand, when a business is stagnant or experiences declining revenues, that situation becomes every employee’s problem, as well. Therefore, management must impress upon all employees the importance of their particular function and how those responsibilities relate to business success through better products and services, customer service, operational efficiency, etc. 

It’s a Team Effort

Individual performance is certainly important, but operating a business is not an individual sport. It is a team sport and takes team effort. Each employee might have a specific job function, but all of the job functions and responsibilities are interrelated that produce a successful business. When the team wins, every employee wins. When the team loses, every employee loses.  


Considering that most businesses are still feeling some effects of the global pandemic either in revenue or changed operations, it is important for management to communicate the team philosophy to everyone regardless of position. 

Everyone plays a significant role in the sales circle of a business. Now, if you ask an employee what is your job, what answer would you hope to get?