How to Prioritize Projects: The 2 Principles Businesses Ignore
Project prioritization is more than just resource allocation. It is, first and foremost, a strategic decision. Whether you prioritize your projects effectively depends on the clarity of your strategic intent and the accuracy of the expected value generated by each project. If you nail these two, your project prioritization effectiveness could very well shift the…
Ultimate Goal: Customer Satisfaction
If large, publicly-traded corporations can have a goal to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction, can small businesses have the same goal? Of course, businesses on a smaller scale can still strive for ultimate customer satisfaction. Most likely, their market will not target a global audience like an international company, but the target market…
Small Business Owners: The Future Might Not Be All That Uncertain
Like most small business owners, you find it difficult to plan because your future has more unknowns than your non-business-owning counterparts. You might not know how much your business is worth when you should sell, where to find the right buyer, how to fetch the best price, or even how much insurance to carry. If…
Don’t Be Content With Current Sales
Regardless of the current sales trend (declining, stagnant, or increasing), all businesses strive for additional sales. The proper analysis of sales challenges and the development of solutions to those challenges can result in improved sales. Sales analysis, however, to be effective, does not strictly come from a small business owner or top management but should…
Beat, Don’t Meet, The Competition
How does a business get ahead of the competition, or is it an easier path simply to meet the competition? Does meeting the competition with similar operations, marketing campaigns, and pricing produce a higher net profit than trying to disrupt the market with dissimilar operations, marketing, and pricing? Competitive Marketplace With the current economy, every…
How is EOS like Tooth Care?
How is EOS™ like tooth care? If you go to the dentist every six months but never brush your teeth, your teeth will fall out. If you brush your teeth every day but never go to the dentist, your teeth will fall out. Tooth care requires both the big event (going to the dentist) and…
Think Before Laying Off Employees
As soon as profits begin to slide, the first thing that comes to mind for many business owners, managers, and CEOs is to lay off employees. The philosophy, obviously, is that reducing employees is a quick fix to the bottom line. It must be remembered, however, that employees are the heart and soul of any…
Why No Repeat Business?
Every business owner, manager, and salesperson should ask this question after every sale, “Am I going to get repeat business from this customer?” Long-term growth and success for a small business are not just based on current sales but on repeat sales that build upon new, current sales. A foundation must be built, enabling sales…
Business Is Down; Now What?
Everyone in the world is in the midst of one of the biggest economic downturns of all time. Almost all businesses are affected in one way or another. Although some online businesses and suppliers of critical needs and healthcare products might be prospering, most other businesses are feeling the sting of the global pandemic. Due…
Gauge Customer Loyalty
A one-off sale is good for business, but repeat sales are even better. And, where do repeat sales come from? They come from loyal customers regardless of the type of business. Repeat sales build a strong foundation for a business allowing it to increase in size each year. Since there will always be a certain…
One Quick Question To Improve Your Business
Small businesses are in constant need of improvement. Rarely is there a business that cannot be improved in some way. Sales are stagnant or even declining. Expenses are increasing. Loyal customers are going to the competition. Something is not exactly right but you just can’t quite put your finger on it. On the other hand,…
Study Your Competition
Do you know what your competition does, how it markets, and its strengths and weaknesses? If you don’t know, you should know. Obviously, you should know everything there is to know about your own business, but it is vitally important to also know as much as possible about your competition. Be Prepared You are at…