Be Aware of These Business Flaws
It is well documented that the failure rate for small businesses and SMEs is staggering. By most estimates, 70% of startups will be operating in two years, but only 50% will still be operating in five years (U.S. statistics). Although these percentages might differ (plus or minus) to some extent depending on what website or…
VRS: Strategy and Execution
This video describes the methodology of strategy and execution inside the Visionary Results System.
Understanding the Buying Process Produces Tangible Results
Although many customers are point-of-sale or one-time purchasers of products or services, the path to building a long-term, sustainable business is a process that involves much more than one isolated sales transaction at a time. Ultimate buyer success depends on mastering a four-step progression that leads to repeat business and customer retention. 1. Prospects A…
Personal Mass
I was listening to Patrick Lencioni’s podcast, At the Table titled The Power of Nothing. In this episode, Pat and his team discuss the benefits of sitting in silence and organizing your thoughts, and why leaders and employees tend to avoid distraction-free time. One thought caught my ear – Pat talks about how, pre-COVID, he…
Using the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas (pt.1)
I was working with a colleague on developing a Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas. If you are not familiar with the Strategy Canvas, it was developed by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne and is a central diagnostic tool and an action framework that graphically captures, in one simple picture, the current strategic landscape and the future prospects for…
Email Campaigns To Help A Business Through A Pandemic
Email campaigns, sometimes referred to as nurturing campaigns, refer to the cultivation and growth of existing, potential, and/or prior prospects in order to create new opportunities and business growth. Although email campaigns have been around for a long time, utilizing proper email approaches during this current pandemic can prove to be a sustainable method of…
How To Be a Great Boss
It’s pretty easy to be a bad boss but much more difficult to be a great boss. Being a bad boss takes no effort or thought. Contrary, being a great boss does take effort and thought. During any challenging time in business…a depressed economy, faltering sales, increased competition, or even a global pandemic…it is increasingly…
Mentoring: A Major Step Toward Success
Yes, even small businesses and SMEs have a need to mentor. Mentoring is a relationship that is formed between two individuals…one with more experience, more knowledge, and more expertise and one with less experience, less knowledge, and less expertise in a particular subject, profession, or position. Mentoring is not reserved for any one type of…
How To Be An Effective Leader During A Pandemic
Businesses have always had the need for effective leaders. Certainly, many businesses prosper despite not having a strong leader at the helm. The super, successful businesses, however, have really effective leaders. They know how to make the right decisions at the right times. They know how to motivate employees and navigate obstacles. They have a…
5 Management Rules for Being a Thoughtful, Effective Executive
Open communication and reasonable expectations are among the attributes of any admirable leader. I’ve been in executive positions for about a decade now. While it’s been an incredibly rewarding experience, I can’t say that I started out as the CEO I am today. In fact, I got off to a pretty …
Three Quotes That Inspire Great Leadership And Success
I’m a fan of reading inspirational and motivational quotes. I often find a great quote and share it with my team at Shepard Presentations, and sometimes with the readers of this column as well. That brings me to Dan Sullivan, creator of the Strategic Coach® program. Dan is a great coach who is full …
The Five Roles of the Mature Leader (SSIR)
The Punk Rock of Business: Applying a Punk Rock Attitude in the Modern Business Era “Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” —Tom …