

The Power of Curb Appeal

Not every business is in the retail sector, but if a business falls into this category or has a showroom or other property, the power of curb appeal cannot be underestimated when it comes to influencing customer perception and decision-making. First impressions matter and matter a lot. When a potential customer walks by a store…

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Testing What Works with Your Marketing

Almost every business in existence does some type of marketing…certainly, some more than others, and certainly, some more successful than others. A portion of business success is often determined by the ability of a business to make informed decisions regarding marketing…what works and what doesn’t. Testing marketing strategies should be a best practice and a…

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Drive Business Success with Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is incredibly valuable for businesses looking to improve their products and services. By actively seeking and listening to customer opinions, businesses can gain insights that lead to increased customer satisfaction and ultimately drive business growth. These actionable insights enable businesses to make informed decisions and continually enhance their offerings, ensuring they meet the…

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Unveiling The Power Of A Value Proposition

Can you state your business’s value proposition in a few short sentences? If not, how are you marketing effectively and discussing your company’s products or services with potential customers? Business competition is fierce, and customer loyalty is pivotal. This means that having a strong value proposition is like having a beacon that guides your business…

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Leaders and Legacies

It was great to be interviewed on Leaders & Legacies podcast. I’d really love if you gave this episode a listen. In this podcast, I was interviewed by Craig Andrews if Allies4Me. We spoke about the importance of true strategy over mere long-term planning. We discussed how I believe that many businesses, especially those with…

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Beat The Competition By Avoiding These Common Missteps

Operating a small business is certainly a rewarding endeavor, but it definitely comes with its own set of challenges: striving to make a profit, trying to satisfy customers, and motivating employees. Often, these challenges arise from common mistakes made by management. Watch Out for These Missteps Lack of Clear Goals and Strategy: Many small businesses and…

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Key Success Measures to Drive Business Forward

Maybe you’ve heard of KSMs, and maybe not. So, what are KSMs? These are “key success measures” (quantifiable metrics) that can guide small businesses in their quest to achieve specific goals and drive business success. These indicators can offer a clear and concise snapshot of various business activities and performance areas. By utilizing KSMs, businesses…

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SCORE Connnect

On this episode of SCORE Connect, Anna-Vija McClain is joined by Debbie Radish-Respess, Executive Coach, Business Consultant, and Co-Founder of Visionary Horizons, to discuss setting up your small business for success. Watch the interview on NewsChannel 5

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You Have a Toxic Employee, Now What?

If you’ve ever had employees, chances are you might have had (or have now) an employee that you would have to classify as “toxic.” If you’ve never had a toxic employee, then consider yourself fortunate. Toxic employees are no fun and can quickly poison other employees’ minds. They can negatively impact team morale, productivity, and…

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Embrace Change for Business Success

We all frequently get stuck doing things the same old way. This holds for the business world as well. If management is not careful, innovation is quickly forgotten with the pressure and time constraints of just operating a small business or SME. Certainly, change is not easy, but change is an inevitable part of everything…

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Why Diversifying Your Customer Base Makes Sense

Recognizing the significance of diversifying a business’s customer base is crucial for the long-term success of a business. Relying solely on a specific group of customers can pose risks, as changes in their preferences or general market conditions can negatively impact revenue. Expanding a customer base to include a wide target market (whether business-to-consumer or…

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Why Burn Rate is Important to Understand

If a business is cash flow positive and thriving, then a burn rate is immaterial. If, on the other hand, a business is burning through cash, then knowing and understanding the burn rate is paramount. What actually, then, is a burn rate? Burn Rate A burn rate is when a business spends its available funds…

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