
It’s Not My Job

A business can have either (1) employees who are committed to help the business achieve its goals or (2) employees who have no real commitment to their employer and see their job as just a means to an end…a paycheck. Engagement You’ve probably heard the following story or a variation of it. A man came…

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Maybe Your Business Needs a Pivot

A general definition of pivot or pivoting is to change something or an act of turning. Taking this a step further as it relates to business might be to change a marketing strategy, pricing, supply chain, product or service offering, or strategic approach to business. Business Is Not Static One constant in business is change….

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How Performance Management Impacts Organizational Culture

Performance management is integral for performance but can be easily over-complicated. There is an increasing need to steer organizational culture through performance management for enhancing overall performance. In this article, we’ll learn: ● What is performance management● How performance management impacts organizational culture● How performance management can establish a precedent for improving performance● Understand the…

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Put It in Writing: Become More Efficient

You own or operate a small business or SMB. Things have always been done essentially the same way for years. Perhaps, during the height of the pandemic, some things changed out of necessity. For many businesses, the changes produced positive results. This could be and should be a starting point to make more changes in…

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Hope Is Not A Strategy

If your company is adopting a wait and see strategy for survival and growth, then prepare now to lose your business. Hoping for better days ahead or relying on government handouts during the pandemic is not an effective long-term business strategy. A strategy can be an effective tool to stack the odds in your favor…

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Go Forward As One

Camaraderie among employees is one ingredient for business success. Whether a business has a handful of employees or 100 plus employees, team building can produce positive results. Progress is made when employees feel a commitment to their employer as well as to each other seeking to work as a team rather than working strictly as…

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Autocratic Leadership: An Outdated Approach?

If you look at any of the origin stories of some of the biggest companies in the world, you’re likely to see talismanic figures who stand out above the rest and personify the company’s image in your mind. Think Steve Jobs at Apple, Jeff Bezos at Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook, Elon Musk at Tesla….

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The Importance of Satisfied Customers

Are satisfied customers important to a business? Are satisfied customers especially important to a business during a global pandemic? Of course, the answers to both questions are an empathic “yes!” When customers purchase from a business – any type of business – they seek benefits and solutions to problems and want satisfaction for the money…

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Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

For years your business was doing well, more than well, it was doing excellent. But now things have taken a turn for the worse and the worst thing is, you can’t find the root of the problem. The strategy you followed all these years that was serving you well, is now betraying you. How can you strategically respond to…

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Be the Best

All types and sizes of businesses sell products and services of all different qualities. Competition is intense for almost any business. With a limited supply of buyers and a multitude of businesses and their products or services to choose from, buyers generally have their choice of which business to patronize. Stand Out from the Competition…

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Find the Fortune

Businesses spend time, energy, and money training employees. They undertake different marketing campaigns testing a variety of components to see what produces the best results. They attempt to provide the best possible products or services they can while promoting their unique value proposition. Businesses will study the competition, try to be price competitive, challenge employees…

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