The Strategy Diamond
Introduction to The Strategy Diamond There are no perfect strategic plans. Like practice, conscious execution makes better. Not perfect, better. But to have a truly successful business strategy, you need a well-written plan in the first place. Use this template to write your strategic plan and then apply the strategy diamond model the way we describe it…
Talk Your Customer’s Language
It’s great to have a huge vocabulary of industry-specific terms, acronyms, and buzzwords, but the greater value is making sure that your listener (your customer) understands exactly what you are saying. It is not always the business that has the best product or service that makes the sale, it is the salesperson or representative who…
Is a Fractional COO Right for Your Business?
Article from Forbes on how to hire your first COO and if a Fractional COO is right for you. The right time to hire a chief operating officer (COO) is just before trouble appears in your company. The reality is that most businesses realize they need a COO too late. Signs that you need a…
How to Manage Complexity
There are two kinds of problems in business and life: Complicated and Complex Each kind requires a different approach. Complicated problems require finding a definitive solution. Complex problems require constant management. Mixing them up is what creates frustration. People expect specific solutions to resolve complex problems. Complicated vs Complex A complicated process is predictable and adheres to…
Key Factors Affecting Your Strategy Implementation
Developing an effective strategy for your organization is vital for growth and sustainability. However, coming up with a strategy that can work is only part of the battle – making it happen is a whole different challenge. Several factors affect strategic implementation. In this article, we’ll break down the barriers that stand between your strategy…
Conducting A Strategic Analysis + 8 of The Best Tools To Use
A huge part of developing a strategic plan is a reliable, in-depth strategic analysis. In this article, we’ll cover: What is strategic analysisWhy conducting a strategic analysis improves your strategy formulationA strategy formulation case studyHow to conduct a strategic analysisThe core concepts of strategic analysisStrategic analysis tool examplesHow to choose the right strategic analysis tool What is…
Strategy Implementation: The 6 Step Process
No matter how foolproof your strategic plan is, it won’t survive first contact with reality. Planning a strategy and implementing it are two very different stories. What is Strategy Implementation? Simply put, strategy implementation is the term used to describe the process or activity that ensures that strategic planning is actually executed. In other words, it’s DOING what you…
Goal is a 4-Letter Word
This is the time of year when people start thinking about their “goals” for 2022. So I thought I would republish one of my most popular posts. ————————————————————————– I don’t have “goals.” I don’t believe in “goals.” I don’t allow the people I work with to have goals. Wait – what? I don’t have goals?…
Corporate Strategy: The Four Key Components
Every comprehensive strategic plan starts with the corporate strategy level. What is Corporate Strategy? Corporate strategies are arguably the most fundamental and broad-ranging strategy level within an organizational strategy. The corporate strategy level concerns itself with the entirety of the organization on a more or less abstract level, where decisions are made about the overall…
Less Thinking, More Doing
Are you ever approached by people wanting your advice on how to start a business? They see you running a successful company and think, “Wow, I’d like to do that.” Their only stumbling block is that they don’t have an “idea” for a business. They refer to an idea like it’s this mythical creature that comes along…
Create Teamwork to Produce Greater Results
All businesses require teamwork in order to achieve optimum efficiency and productivity. Even a small business with a limited number of employees needs everyone working together to achieve goals, service customers, and make sales. When this occurs with repeated frequency, the business becomes viable, profitable, and provides jobs. Even when employees work remotely, employees can…