Budgets: Not Exciting But So Important
Budgets…exciting? Not particularly, but extremely important for any small business. Budgets are additional tools needed for goal setting and performance analysis. Detailed objectives are necessary for any business to operate profitably and grow into a long-term successful venture. When management does not know, however, whether the business has met predetermined objectives, operations become a “hit…
Operations Strategy: How to make strategy work for your people
Most operations strategies fail. Why is that? Is it because they aren’t correctly implemented? Or is it because they are built to fail from day one? The answer: both. Your people have their hands full. Without a clear roadmap for decision-making and competitive priorities, each team is like a ship without a rudder. People need…
Manage the Right Way
If you’re going to manage, then you need to manage the right way. Certainly, managing a small business or SME is a difficult task, but that is no excuse for not being a good manager. Managing must still be done correctly in order to achieve positive results. At times, it might seem as though it…
Five Questions Over Coffee
The Evolution of Strategy Execution: It’s time for the new way
Have you hit a wall with strategy execution? You’re not alone. In most companies, the best-laid plans drop like lead balloons. For years, the word on the grapevine is that up to 90% of strategies crash and burn. The evolution of strategy in the last century holds promise. But, right now, effective strategic thinking remains an impossible…
Occupational Fraud CAN Happen In Your Business
No small business owner or manager thinks that occupational fraud can or will happen to them. Guess what? Business fraud happens all the time…every day in every city, small or large, and to any size and type of business. And what is occupational fraud? As defined by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, occupational fraud…
Evolution vs. Revolution
Sometimes the best business ideas are not really ideas at all. They are simply new ways of doing old things. For example, Melissa Kwan created a business to help real estate agents manage their open house contacts. As she described when I interviewed her on Built to Sell Radio, it was a “bloated” piece of software….
How to formulate a strategy
An overview of strategy formulation Formulating a comprehensive strategy sounds like a herculean task. But it doesn’t have to be like that. You just have to gather the right information and write a plan with a bias towards action. Let’s get into more details. What is strategy formulation? Strategy formulation is the process of developing a plan…
Strategy vs Execution: How to break out of the strategy planning trap
Strategy without action is pointless. You can plan forever, but if you never put your ideas to the test, all the time and effort you spend on planning is for nothing. So, when you compare strategy vs execution, there is only one winner. Without execution, strategic planning is just a hypothesis. Business success comes from…
Do Not Irritate Loyal Customers
Loyal customers are the lifeline of any small business. They are needed for current survival and long-term growth. Acquisition vs. Retention There is no exact number, but most sources consider the cost to acquire a new customer to be approximately 5 to 25 times the cost of retaining an existing customer depending on the study…
Strategy Dictionary: The Definitive Strategy Jargon Guide for 2022
An Overview of the Strategy Dictionary Strategy isn’t a science. There are frameworks, guides, and common semantics – but ultimately strategy is the art of creating a direction for your organization, then doing whatever it takes to get there. Because of this reality, a huge body of work has arisen both online and offline that…
Oh Yes, Quality Matters
Satisfied customers return to purchase again, and it is returning customers combined with new customers that create business growth and long-term success. In a competitive business environment, there are generally numerous products and services of essentially the same quality available on the market at any given time; therefore, it’s all the little things that make…