
How is EOS like Tooth Care?

How is EOS™ like tooth care?

If you go to the dentist every six months but never brush your teeth, your teeth will fall out. If you brush your teeth every day but never go to the dentist, your teeth will fall out. Tooth care requires both the big event (going to the dentist) and lots of little events (daily brushing).

Obviously, in this metaphor, your EOS Implementor is the dentist, and your quarterly sessions with her or him are like your visits to the dentist.

But it takes you, the organization, to continually do the actions to turn your vision into results. That is the job of the Integrator.

If you need help with that daily brushing of the teeth – if you need someone to help you with Integrator activities and mentor your chosen internal Integrator, a Fractional Integrator might be right for you.

Interested in exploring if a Fractional Integrator is right for you? Schedule a free Vision Quest.