Good Leadership: Do You Need It?

Good leadership is incredibly important for any business, regardless of size. Whether an individual is an owner, executive, director, manager, or supervisor, business success is a by-product of good leadership.

Business leadership inspires employees to achieve common goals. Successful leaders do not demand but motivate employees to pursue paths of action that align with the business’s goals. Since every employee has a different personality and is driven to achieve differently, this can be a challenge but worth the effort.

Consider the following leadership traits that consistently work in pursuing higher employee performance.

Motivate – A dynamic workforce requires motivation. Management should never assume that employees are self-motivated. Although some employees will always be self-motivated and try to achieve their best for their self-satisfaction, others require a needed “push” from management. One ingredient that inspires employees is a positive attitude from management. Management must demonstrate and lead by example. When managers are motivated and have the right attitude toward the business, work, and employees, it is much easier for employees themselves to become motivated and passionate about their work and position in the company.

Recognize – Encouraging employees means great work and should never go unnoticed. Great work that gets noticed gets repeated. It takes little effort for management to recognize someone for outstanding work, extra determination, superior attitude, cooperation, attention to detail, or dealing with customers as if they owned the business. When this type of superior performance goes unnoticed by the “boss,” attitudes to duplicate such performance start to diminish as each situation of outstanding work goes unnoticed. Likewise, poor performance should never go unnoticed. In these situations, positive counseling can be the encouragement needed to turn a marginally productive employee into a top producer. This type of special attention is worth the effort to try and change an employee’s behavior and attitude. 

Challenge – Employees at any level can and should be challenged to perform to the best of their ability. Just as each employee has a different personality, each employee will have different skills and talents. Challenges, therefore, must be communicated clearly and specifically to make sure each employee understands what is expected. Challenging a weak-performing employee is as important as challenging and praising the high achiever.

Mentor – It would be wonderful if all employees knew exactly what to do in every situation encountered during a workday, but this is not the case. Mentoring is an important aspect of leadership and management. As employees progress from one job to another and from one level to a higher level, they cannot be expected to perform at peak efficiency without some assistance. Although, eventually, they might learn what to do in various situations through trial and error, the fast track to higher productivity, regardless of position, comes through mentoring. The lowest level employee to the highest level manager all benefit from proper mentoring. The business benefits as well.

The importance of good leadership should not be underestimated. A business needs a leader like a plane needs a pilot, a ship needs a captain, or a sports team needs a coach. Good leaders work to develop and strengthen the talents of all employees.