

FirmFoundation: An Intensive with a Trained Growth Specialist Designed to Map a Path to Success for Your Law Firm

Most strategy sessions begin with “What are your 5- or 10-year goals?” (See this article on why I don’t like goals) and then gradually work down to yearly and quarterly goals and action items. The problem with that approach is that it completely ignores the market. True strategy defines the company’s distinctive approach to competing in your market and the competitive advantages it will be based on.

There are times when an article will answer your questions. There are times when a great training video will solve your problems. And then there are the times when you need someone to sit down with you and show you the way. There are times when hard work and common sense will take you to where you want to go, and then there are times when you need an expert to provide another perspective to determine what you need. That’s what FirmFoundation is all about.

A FirmFoundation is your chance to have a trained growth specialist examine your business inside and out and craft a detailed plan of action for the next 12 weeks. The Summit will take you through our Strategy Planning Model.

So what is different about a Visionary Results FirmFoundation?

During a FirmFoundation, we will work through the essential questions for strategy planning:

1.     What is the Context in which we operate?

What is the Mission and Vision of the organization? What does the external environment look like?

2.     What do we want to accomplish? (Organizational Priorities)

Which of the 20 generic business priorities (growth, cost-reduction, employee engagement, innovation, etc.) will we focus on? What measurable financial, customer, employee, and society results do we desire?

3.     How do we win? (Value Proposition)

What is our Unique Value Proposition? How do we convince potential customers to buy our product or service instead of something else?

4.     What capabilities do we need? (Business Capabilities)

What internal capabilities do we need to make our value proposition come true? Specifically, what key activities do we perform daily, what skills and abilities do our people need, and what tools and resources do we need?

5.     How do we know if we are winning? (Results)

What measurements do we collect and review regularly to know if we are delivering on our value proposition? This step involves creating a scorecard and then reviewing that scorecard regularly.

6.     What do we do every day? (Key Activities)

What are the key activities that we do every day? Are these activities documented, and can they do what needs to be done effectively and efficiently?

7.     How do we improve? (Initiatives)

What improvements will we make to our business, key activities, and capabilities to ensure we can win in the market and get the results we desire now and in the future?

What Do You Receive?

  • FirmFoundation Assessment: A comprehensive assessment, based on the Baldrige Excellence Framework, to pinpoint your firm’s exact strengths and weaknesses.
  • Market Research: Market research and analysis to help you understand how your business compares to its peers and what market factors may impact your revenue, market share, and profitability.
  • The Predictive Index World of Work and Team Type: Understand how your team interacts and the pitfalls toward success.
  • Strategy Curve and Value Proposition: Compete on something other than price or owner connections.
  • The Key Processes and Metrics you need to manage your business.
  • The key Strategic Initiatives you need to complete to improve your business.
  • A 12-week Action Plan to make your vision a reality.
  • Video training before, between sessions, and after the FirmFoundation, so our time together is focused on action and not learning.
  • Dedicated Facilitator: Throughout your sessions, you’ll work one-on-one with a dedicated facilitator, trained to help you clarify your targets, uncover and overcome your major challenges, and map a proven path forward.

Are you ready to move forward? Schedule a Discovery Call today!