Category Strategy

Want to Grow? Here Are the Two Numbers You Must Know.

green plants on soil

Are you familiar with the two numbers that are key to sustainable growth? Let’s talk about the sustainable growth rate (SGR) and market growth rate (MGR) – two essential metrics every business leader should know. The sustainable growth rate represents…

Competing Against the Big Guys

David and Goliath

Small businesses have a never-ending dilemma of how to compete against larger companies that target their same customers. This situation will not change, so small businesses must develop strategies to compete, remain profitable, and grow. While larger businesses may have…

The 12 Strategic Questions

number, advertisement, yellow

Listen to the audiobook about the 12 Strategic Questions – text STRATEGY to +1 615-378-3097.

The 3 Whys

Book with title 'The Power of Why'

I know a lot of business struggle with the “Three Uniques.” I have seen a lot of “uniques” that aren’t unique, or at least aren’t unique to their prospects (they might be the only family-owned HVAC company in town, but…

Make The Sales Process a Competitive Differentiator

two people shaking hands after sale

Businesses operate in a highly competitive environment. A unique sales process can be a defining strength for a business as it competes with direct business rivals. A defined sales process aims to ensure buyer satisfaction and generate higher revenues.   …

The Nine Essential Questions for Strategy Planning

number 9 on a door

It is the time of year when many companies start planning their strategy for the following year. Unfortunately, much strategy planning is an exercise in futility – plans are shelved quickly and don’t address what needs to be addressed. Part…