
Category Small Business

Testing What Works with Your Marketing

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Almost every business in existence does some type of marketing…certainly, some more than others, and certainly, some more successful than others. A portion of business success is often determined by the ability of a business to make informed decisions regarding…

Drive Business Success with Customer Feedback

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Customer feedback is incredibly valuable for businesses looking to improve their products and services. By actively seeking and listening to customer opinions, businesses can gain insights that lead to increased customer satisfaction and ultimately drive business growth. These actionable insights…

Unveiling The Power Of A Value Proposition

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Can you state your business’s value proposition in a few short sentences? If not, how are you marketing effectively and discussing your company’s products or services with potential customers? Business competition is fierce, and customer loyalty is pivotal. This means…

Key Success Measures to Drive Business Forward

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Maybe you’ve heard of KSMs, and maybe not. So, what are KSMs? These are “key success measures” (quantifiable metrics) that can guide small businesses in their quest to achieve specific goals and drive business success. These indicators can offer a…

You Have a Toxic Employee, Now What?

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If you’ve ever had employees, chances are you might have had (or have now) an employee that you would have to classify as “toxic.” If you’ve never had a toxic employee, then consider yourself fortunate. Toxic employees are no fun…