Category Originals

Everyone Needs a Coach

man and woman standing on field

John Stevens wrote this article: In the important matters in life – relationships (which are the most important components of a balanced life) and professional excellence, a good coach can make all the difference in helping you see where you…

Personal Mass

I was listening to Patrick Lencioni’s podcast, At the Table titled The Power of Nothing. In this episode, Pat and his team discuss the benefits of sitting in silence and organizing your thoughts, and why leaders and employees tend to…

Using the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas (pt.1)

I was working with a colleague on developing a Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas. If you are not familiar with the Strategy Canvas, it was developed by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne and is a central diagnostic tool and an action framework…

The Definition of Process

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about process improvement lately. I think some of my frustration with current process improvement methodologies is that we don’t properly define process. The common process mapping acronym SIPOC (Supplier – Input – Process…

The 4 Levels of Process Mapping, Part 2

A few weeks ago, I published a post about the Four Levels of Process Mapping. Several colleagues have asked that I elaborate on the Management View and the Process View. If you recall, the Management view shows the major areas…

Process Purpose and Process Quality

In last week’s post, I discussed how Purpose is missing from the typical process mapping tool SIPOC (Suppler – Input – Process – Output – Customer) and how adding it can positively affect our process improvement. Today, I’d like to…